Musical Elements and Concepts: Aural Skills are three books of varying purpose. Musical Elements and Concepts: Aural Skills is a new edition of the bestselling textbook Musical Concepts, published in 2009, written by Helene Galettis.
Musical Elements and Concepts: Aural Skills, Student Book, is a concise overview of the elements or concepts of music with Mind Maps as the main teaching tool. The book is highly descriptive on each component of the elements or concept discussed. The printed book features an embedded electronic book where soundbites can be accessed through a web player. The Soundbites are a complementary set of targeted digital excerpts for selected key terms.
Musical Elements and Concepts: Aural Skills, Student Workbook, a workbook with Concepts Check and Listening Activities for all of the main and related elements or concepts of music. An added chapter with extra engaging activities for an overview of the content is provided. Excerpts cover a wide variety of musical styles, including contemporary Australian music.
Musical Elements and Concepts: Aural Skills: Teacher Resource is a helpful resource to be used as a guide and to accompany the Musical Elements and Concepts: Aural Skills: Student Workbook. It consists of suggested answers for concept checks and chapter review questions; general questions for each element or concept; details and listening activities for additional suggested listening activities; detailed answers to the Musical elements and concepts activities, overview of all elements or concepts; extra teaching activity ideas.