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A Modern Method for Guitar - Volume 1 - Various


SKU: 50449400 HL

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Book onlyBook & Online AudioBook & Online Video Access

Book only - Recommended for use with an instructor this complete, comprehensive method is designed for the student wishing to become seriously proficient on the guitar. The detailed information allows you to improve your technique gradually and the material is steady and thorough so you really learn from these pages. Students enrolled at Berklee College of Music start on the section 2 of this book. Yes it's that good!

Book & Online Audio - This practical, comprehensive method is used as the basic text for the guitar program at the Berklee College of Music. Volume One builds a solid foundation for beginning guitarists and features a comprehensive range of guitar and music fundamentals, including: scales, melodic studies, chord and arpeggio studies, how to read music, special exercises for developing technique in both hands, voice leading using moveable chord forms, and more.

Sample Score

Book & Online Video Access - A Modern Method for Guitar, by William Leavitt, is one of the world's most popular guitar methods and is the basic text for Berklee College of Music's guitar program. It has stood the test of time and earned a vast and loyal following of dedicated guitar students and instructors for over 40 years. Now this renowned method is available with online video access to fourteen hours of instruction from Larry Baione, chair or Berklee's guitar department! Instruction includes on-screen demonstrations, with camera close-ups of both hands, as well as interactive duets and play-along segments so you can “sit in” with your instructor. It's like a year's worth of private guitar lessons at Berklee College of Music!

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