10 Original Pieces for Wind Band
The age-old dilemma of finding appropriate warm-up pieces/studies for the symphonic band is now made much easier. No longer will bands need to play through a multitude of short, homorhythmic, single-textured four-part settings of chorales. Beyond the Chorale is a collection of 10 short, miniature concert pieces with a variety of styles, textures, timbral combinations, tonalities, rhythms, harmonies, and melodic material that transcend the traditional “warm-up” by offering many other pedagogical challenges that are guaranteed to raise the musicality of any band.
This is the missing “bridge” between the daily regimented warm-up and the music that makes up our curriculum.
These creative works and corresponding pedagogical content provide real-time application of principles that can be carried forward into rehearsal and performance, no matter the grade level.
Beyond the Chorale is a collection of pieces so musically compelling that they easily serve multiple simultaneous functions, including warm-up, technique building, intonation enhancement, sight-reading, and much more. Enjoy…and profit.